What’s Up With These Prices! Part 2
February 26, 2024
How much is too much? How much is not enough?
Artisans worry about their prices. It is not easy to price an item. There are a lot of variables; cost of supplies, time to make the product, shipping, cost to sell the item, etc. Some calculations are easy to determine, like cost of supplies. The time you put into creating is very difficult to get paid for.
I have seen some heated debates about underselling your work. Folks are not wrong here, if I sell my item for less than what it is worth then that isn’t fair to someone else who wants to price there similar item for the true value. On the flip side there are crafters who love to create and need to sell their products so they can make more. It sometimes doesn’t matter what the product is worth if nobody will buy it at that price. Should that crafter continue to make that item if they have to under price? I believe that is up to the individual seller. It is unfortunate for everyone but that is the reality of the situation.
In the end be kind to your fellow artisan.
Notes of interest: The scarf in the photo is woven based on a pattern you can find on www.gistyarn.com. The pattern was designed by Sarah Resnick using Tencel Cotton. I used Tencel cotton from two sources MD Weaving and Maurice Brassard.